sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015

DEPRESSAO - Dicas para evitar ou tratar com sucesso

Entenda o problema aqui:

Dica básica para #evitar ou tratar com #sucesso : aborde o problema como um todo! Entenda:

Você precisa contemplar todo o "BASIC-ID", identificando problemas e resolvendo-os em todas estas áreas, já que depressão é uma doença multifatorial :
- comportamento
- afeto
- sensações
- imagens mentais
- cognição
- relações interpessoais
- drogas e funções biológicas (avaliação e otimização)

-_-_- Reparem que o uso de #medicamentos não é a #prioridade, nem nunca deveria ser, salvo casos de maior gravidade (como adjuvantes) e urgências.

* Conforme está sobre o BASIC-ID na Wikipedia, sobre a interessante #teoria do Dr. Arnold Lazarus, que conheci hj quando estudando o #Mente Criativa, excelente #livro do Dr. Juarez Callegaro, cuja #leitura recomendo para todos que queiram #saúde de #verdade e informação de #qualidade sobre)
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"refers to the seven dimensions of personality according to Lazarus. Creating a successful treatment for a specific individual requires that the therapist consider each dimension, and the individual's deficits in each.

B represents behavior, which can be manifested through the use of inappropriate acts, habits, gestures, or the lack of appropriate behaviors.
A stands for affect, which can be seen as the level of negative feelings or emotions one experiences.
S is sensation, or the negative bodily sensations or physiological symptoms such as pain, tension, sweat, nausea, quick heartbeat, etc.
I stands for imagery, which is the existence of negative cognitive images or mental pictures.
C represents cognition or the degree of negative thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs.
The second I stands for interpersonal relationships, and refers to one's ability to form successful relationships with others. It is based on social skills and support systems.
D is for drugs and biological functions, and examines the individual's physical health, drug use, and other lifestyle choices.[1]
Multimodal therapy addresses the fact that different people depend on or are more influenced by some personality dimensions more than others.[1] Some people are prone to deal with their problems on their own, cognitively, while others are more likely to draw support from others, and others yet are likely to use physical activities to deal with problems, such as exercise or drugs. All reactions are a combination of how the seven dimensions work together in an individual. Once the source of the problem is found, treatment can be used to focus on that specific dimension more than the others".

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